Desde 2005 até 2007 já foram quatro cursos sobre Movimentos Sociais e Políticas Públicas - uma perspectiva amazônica: Universidades de Yale, Chicago, Florida e Wisconsin-Madison. Em Yale foi na Escola de Florestas, em Chicago no Departamento de Antropologia, na Flórida, no Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos e em Wisconsin-Madison, no Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. Os alunos são de graduação e pós-gradução e com diferentes formações profissionais, de estudantes de economia e geografia a antropologia e ecologia.
Gostaria muito de lecionar o mesmo curso em universidades brasileiras e, por esta razão, aqui está o programa. Com pequenas diferenças em termos de literatura e tópicos, esse é o programa padrão, que certamente pode ser adapatado para cada caso.
PROGRAMA DO CURSOAula 1 - Introdução ao CursoPrograma, formato, requisitos, bibliografia, metodologia. Visões sobre a Amazônia.
Vídeo e debate: BBC Earth Report "The Fires of the Amazon", Adrian Cowell.
Aula 2 - Conservação e Desenvolvimento na Amazônia: Contexto e DesafiosLeituras Obrigatórias:
Schmink, Marianne and Charles H. Wood. (1987). The "Political Ecology" of Amazonia. Lands at Risk in the Third World: Local-Level Perspectives. Peter D. Little and Michael M. Horowitz with A. Endre Nyerges. Westview Press/Boulder and London. Pp 38-57.
Becker, Bertha (2001). Revisão das políticas de ocupação da Amazônia: é possível identificar modelos para projetar cenários? In Revista Parcerias Estratégicas (12) Setembro.
Becker, Bertha (2005). Geopolítica da Amazônia. In Revista Estudos Avançados 19 (53).
Pádua, José Augusto. (1997). Biosphere, history and conjuncture in the analysis of the Amazon problem. The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Redclift, M. and G. Woodgate. London, Edward Elgar. Pp 403-417.
Leituras de Referência:
Bunker, S. G. (1985). Underdeveloping the Amazon: Extraction, unequal exchange, and the failure of the modern state. Chicago, Chicago University Press. Introduction.
Hecht, Susanna and Alexander Cockburn. (1989). The Fate of the Forest. Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon. Verso. Introduction and Conclusion.
Schmink, M. and C. Wood (1992). Contested Frontiers in Amazonia. New York, Columbia University Press. Introduction and Conclusion.
Slater, Candace (1996). Amazonia as Edenic Narrative. Cronon, W. Uncommon Ground. New York, Norton & Company. Pp. 114-131.
Little, Paul. (2001). Amazonia: Territorial Struggles on Perennial Frontiers. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Introduction. Pp 1-12.
Aula 3 - Introdução à Teoria dos Movimentos Sociais e aos Movimentos Sociais na América LatinaLeituras Obrigatórias:
Gohn, M. da G. (2002). Teorias dos Movimentos Sociais – Paradigmas clássicos e contemporâneos. Ed. Loyola. S.P.
Escobar, A. (1992). Culture, economics, and politics in Latin American social movements and theory. The Making of Social Movements in Latin America. A. Escobar and S. E. Alvarez. Boulder, CO, Westview Press: 62-85.
Foweracker, J. (1995). Theories of Social Movements. in Theorizing Social Movements. London, Pluto Press: 9-35.
Little, P. E. (1999). "Environments and environmentalisms in anthropological research: Facing a new millenium." Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 253-284.
Leituras de Referência:
Martinez-Alier, J. (1991). Ecology and the Poor: A Neglected Dimension of Latin American History. Journal of Latin American Studies¬ 23: 621-639.
Brockett, C. D. (1991). "The Structure of Political Opportunity and Peasant Mobilization in Central America." Comparative Politics 23(3): 253-274.
Kaimowitz, D. (1996). Social Pressures for Environmental Reform. Green Guerillas: Environmental Conflicts and Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. H. Collinson. London, LAB: 20-32.
Keck, M. and K. Sikkink. (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaka, Cornell University Press. Chapter 3: Human Rights Networks in Latin America p. 79-120.
Radcliffe, S. A. (1999). Civil Society, Social Difference and Politics: Issues of Identity and Representation. Latin America Transformed: Globalization and Identity. R. Gwynne and C. Kay. New York, Oxford University Press: 213-216.
Rothman, F. D. and P. E. Oliver (1999). "From Local to Global: The Anti-Dam Movement in Southern Brazil 1979-1992." Mobilization: An International Journal 4(1): 41-58.
Guha, R. and J. Martinez-Alier (2000). Varieties of Environmentalism. London, Earthscan. Chapter 1: The Environmentalism of the Poor p. 3-21.
Rice, M. (2004). "Ecopolitics and Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations in Latin America." Geographical Review 84(1): 42-58.
Aula 4 - Economia da Borracha, Relações Sociais e Políticas Públicas: 1880-1970Leituras Obrigatórias:
Weinstein, Barbara. (1983). The Amazon Rubber Boom 1850-1920. Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press. Chapter 1, Pp 5-34.
Bunker, S.G. (1984). Modes of Extraction, Unequal Exchange, and the Progressive Underdevelopment of an Extreme Periphery – The Brazilian Amazon, 1600-1980. American Journal of Sociology 89 (5): 1017-1064.
Dean, Warren. (1987). Brazil and the Struggle for Rubber. Cambridge, MA, Cambridge University Press. Chapters 6, Pp87-107; 9, Pp 144-162.
Barham, Bradford; Coomes, Oliver. (1994). Wild Rubber: Industrial Organisation and Microeconomics of Extraction during the Amazon Rubber Boom (1860-1920). Journal of Latin American Studies 26 (1): 37-72.
Fifer, Valerie (1970). The Empire Builders: A History of the Bolivian Rubber Boom and the Rise of the House of Suarez. Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 2 N.2, Nov. 113-146
Leituras de Referência:
Mahar, Dennis (1979). Frontier Development Policy in Brazil: A Study of Amazonia. New York: Praeger. Chapter 1 Pp 1-34.
Kloppengurg, J. (1988). Seeds and Sovereignty. Duke University Press. Chapter 2, 49-66.
Hecht, Susanna and Alexander Cockburn. (1989). The Fate of the Forest. Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon. Verso. Chapters 4,5. Pp 63-103.
Little, Paul. (2001). Amazonia: Territorial Struggles on Perennial Frontiers. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Chapter 1. Pp 13-73.
Aula 5 - Expansão da Fronteira e Conflitos pela Terra na Amazônia: 1964-1985Leituras Obrigatórias:
Schmink, M. and C. Wood. (1992). Contested Frontiers in Amazonia. New York, Columbia University Press. Chapters 3, Pp 58-94; 5, 6, 139-193; 12, 344-356.
Hecht, Susanna. (1985). Environment, Development and Politics: Capital Accumulation and the Livestock Sector in Eastern Amazonia. World Development, vol 13, N. 6, pp 663-684.
Hall, Anthony. (1997). Sustaining Amazonia. Manchester, Manchester University Press. Chapter 2 Pp 45-90.
Pompermayer, Malori J. (1984). Strategies of Private Capital in the Brazilian Amazon. In Schmink, M. and Wood, C. Frontier Expansion in the Amazon.
Leituras de Referência:
Loureiro, Violeta R; Pinto, Jax N.A. 2005. A questão fundiária na Amazônia. In Estudos Avançados 19 (54).
Santos, Roberto. (1984). Law and Social Change: The Problem of Land in the Brazilian Amazon. In Schmink, M. and Wood, C. Frontier Expansion in the Amazon.
Cleary. David. (1993). After the Frontier: Problems with Political Economy in the Modern Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Latin American Studies. Vol. 25, No. 2, May, Pp 331-349.
Mahar, Dennis (1979). Frontier Development Policy in Brazil: A Study of Amazonia. New York: Praeger.
Aula 6 - Mobilização Social na Amazônia: A História de Chico MendesLeituras Obrigatórias:
Mendes, Chico. (1989). Fight for the Forest: Chico Mendes in His Own Words. London: Latin America Bureau.
Schwartzmann, Stephen.(1989). The rubber tappers' strategy for sustainable use of the Amazon Rainforest. In Fragile Lands of Latin America - Strategies for Sustainable Development. Pp 150-163.
Revkin, Andrew. (1990). The Burning Season. The Murder of Chico Mendes and the Fight for the Amazon Rain Forest. Hougnton Mifflin Company. Caps 5,6,7,8,9 Pp 78-184.
Keck, Margaret E. (1995). Social Equity and Environmental Politics in Brazil: Lessons from the Rubber Tappers of Acre. Comparative Politics 27: 407-425.
Allegretti. Mary H. (1999). Chico Mendes: Ten Years Before. In From the Ashes: Reflections on Chico Mendes and the Future of the Rainforest. Washington D.C., Environmental Defense.
Almeida, Mauro W. B. (2002). The Politics of Amazonian Conservation: The Struggles of Rubber Tappers. The Journal of Latin American Anthropology 7 (1):170-219.
Leituras de Referência:
Hall, Anthony. (1997). Sustaining Amazonia. Manchester University Press. Chapter 3 Pp 91-133.
Hecht, Susanna and Alexander Cockburn. (1989). The Fate of the Forest. Developers, Destroyers and Defenders of the Amazon. Verso. Chapters 8,9, Pp 180-240.
Cowell, Adrian. (1990). The Decade of Destruction. A Channel Four Book. Headway, Hodder & Stoughton.
Hall, A. (1996). Did Chico Mendes Die in Vain? Green Guerillas: Environmental Conflicts and Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. H. Collinson. London, LAB: 93-96.
Allegretti, Mary H. (2002) A Construção Social de Políticas Ambientais: Chico Mendes e o Movimento dos Seringueiros. PhD Dissertation. University of Brasilia.
Aula 7 - Reforma Agrária e Conservação Ambiental: A Experiência das Reservas ExtrativistasLeituras Obrigatórias:
Allegretti, Mary H. (1990). Extractive reserves: An alternative for reconciling development and environmental conservation in Amazonia. Alternatives to Deforestation: Steps toward Sustainable Use of the Amazonia Rain Forest. A. B. Anderson. New York, NY, Columbia University Press: 252-264.
Almeida, Mauro W. B. (1996). The Management of Conservation Area by Traditional Populations: The Case of the Upper Juruá Extractive Reserve. Traditional Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in Large Tropical Landscapes. K. H. R. a. J. A. Mansour. Arlington, Virginia, America Verde Publications, The Nature Conservancy: 137-158.
Schwartzman, Stephen. (1991). Deforestation and popular resistance in Acre: from local movement to global network. The Centennial Review 25(2): 397-422.
Brown, K. and S. Rosendo (2000). "Environmentalists, Rubber Tappers and Empowerment: The Politics and Economics of Extractive Reserves." Development and Change 31(1): 201-27.
Leituras de Referência:
Allegretti, Mary H. (1995). The Amazon and Extracting Activities. Brazilian Perspectives on Sustainable Development of the Amazon Region. M. C. Godt and I. Sachs. Paris, UNESCO. 15: 157-174.
Fearnside, Phillip (1989). Extractive Reserves in Brazilian Amazonia. Bioscience 39 (6): 387-394.
Salafsky, N., B. L. Dugelby, et al. (1993). Can extractive reserves save the rainforest? An ecological comparison of non-timber forest product extraction systems in el Petén, Guatemala, and West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Conservation Biology 7(1): 39-52.
Souza, Kennedy F. (2001) Pasture instead of rubber? The ranching tendencies of family-based agriculture in extractive reserves and colonization projects in Acre, Brazil, Southwestern Amazonia. In Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Aula 8 - Desafios Atuais na Amazônia: Desmatamento e Governança da FronteiraLeituras Obrigatórias:
Fearnside, Phillip (2001). Soybean cultivation as a threat to the environment in Brazil. Environmental Conservation 28: 23-38.
Nepstad, Daniel C., D. McGrath, et al. (2002). Frontier Governance in Amazonia. Science 295: 629-631.
Davidson, Debra and Frickel, Scott. 2004. Understanding Environmental Governance. A Critical Review. Organization & Environment, Vol. 17 No. 4, December, 471-492
Forest Working Group (FBOMS). (2004). Relation between expansion of soy plantations and deforestation.
Leituras de Referência:
Nepstad, Daniel C., G. Carvalho, et al. (2002). Road paving, fire regimes, and the future of Amazonian forests. Forest Ecology and Management 154: 395-407.
Margulis, S. (2003). Causes of deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. World Bank Report.
Hecht, S. B. (1994). The logic of livestock and deforestation in Amazonia. BioScience 43(687-695).
Nepstad, D. C. and e. al. (1999). Large-scale impoverishment of Amazonian forests by logging and fire. Nature 398: 505-508.
Presidência da República. (2004). Plano de Ação para a Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento na Amazônia Legal. Brasília, março.
Aula 9 - Experiências em Políticas de Conservação e DesenvolvimentoLeituras Obrigatórias:
Hall, Anthony (1997). Sustaining Amazonia. Manchester University Press. Chapter 6, Pp. 213-243.
FOE and GTA (1998). Public Policy for the Brazilian Amazon 97/98 – Paths, Trends, and Proposals. São Paulo, FOE.
Schneider Robert R. et alli. 1990. Sustainable Amazon: limitations and opportunities for rural development. Imazon and World Bank.
MMA/PPG7/WB. (2002) Lessons from the Rain Forest: Experiences from the Pilot Programe to Conserve the Amazon and the Atlantic Forests of Brazil. Brasília.
Acordos Internacionais: Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica - CDB
Leituras Obrigatórias:
McAffee (1999). Selling Nature to Save It? Biodiversity and Developmentalism. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 17(2): 133-155.
Via Campesina, V. (2001). The Position of Via Campesina on Biodiversity, Biosafety and Genetic Resources. Development 44(4): 47-51
Posey, Darrell. (1990) Anthropology Today Vol.6 N. 4, Aug. 13-16
Moran, Katy; Steven R. and Thomas J. Carlson. 2001. Biodiversity prospecting:Lessons and Prospects. Annual Review of Anthropology. 2001. 30:505–26
Leituras de Referência:
Flitner, M. (1998). Biodiversity: Of Local Commons and Global Commodities. Privatizing Nature: Political Struggles for the Global Commons. M. Goldman. New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press: 144-166.
Escobar, A. (1998). Whose knowledge, whose nature? Biodiversity, conservation, and the political ecology of social movements. Journal of Political Ecology 5: 53-82.
McAffee (2003). Neoliberalism on the Molecular Scale: Economic and Genetic Reductionism in Biotechnology Battles. GeoForum 34(2): 203-219.
Convention on Biological Diversity. Acre and Amapá state legislation re: access to biodiversity
Aula 10 - Movimentos dos Povos Indígenas na AmazôniaLeituras Obrigatórias:
Carneiro da Cunha, M. M. e Mauro W. B. de Almeida. (2000). Indigenous People, Traditional People and Conservation in the Amazon. Daedalus/Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol.129, n.2, pp. 315-338.
Conklin, B. and L. Graham (1995). The shifting middle ground: Amazonian Indians and eco-politics. American Anthropologist 97(4): 695-710.
Ramos, Alcida. 2000. Anthropologist as political actor. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 4(2)-5( 1): 172-189.
Cervone, Emma. 1999. Los desafios de la etnicidad: las luchas del movimiento indigena en la modernidad. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 4(1):46-73 46.
Leituras de Referência:
Zimmerman, B., C. A. Peres, et al. (2001). Conservation and development alliances with the Kayapó of south-eastern Amazonia, a tropical forest indigenous peoples. Environmental Conservation 28(1): 10-22.
Romero, C. e G. I. Andrade. (2004). International Conservation Organizations and the Fate of Local Tropical Forest Conservation Initiatives. Conservation Biology 18 (2): 578-580.
Warren, K. B. (1998). Indigenous Movements as a Challenge to the Unified Social Movement Paradigm for Guatemala. Cultures of Politics Politics of Cultures: Re-visioning Latin American Social Movements. S. E. Alvarez, E. Dagnino and A. Escobar. Boulder, Co, Westview Press: 165-187.
Terborgh, J. (2000). The fate of tropical forests: a matter of stewardship. Conservation Biology 14: 1258-1361.
Schwartzmann, S., A. Moreira, et al. (2000). Rethinking tropical conservation: peril in parks. Conservation Biology 14(5): 1351-1357.
Schwartzmann, S., D. Nepstad, et al. (2000). Arguing tropical forest conservation: people versus parks. Conservation Biology 14(5): 1370-1374.
Aula 11 - Movimentos Sociais e Pequenos AgricultoresLeituras Obrigatórias:
Hall, A. 1997. Sustaining Amazonia. Manchester, Manchester University Press. Chapter 5: Survival on the Transamazon Highway. pp. 171-212.
Wood, C.H. and M. Schmink. 1978. Blaming the Victim: Small farmer production in an Amazon colonization project. Studies in Third World Societies 7: 77-93
Brondízio, E.S., S. D. McCracken, E.F. Moran, A. D. Siqueira, D.R. Nelson, and C. Rodriguez-Pedraza. 1986. The Colonist Footprint: towards a conceptual framework of deforestation trajectories among small farmers in Frontier Amazonia. In C. Wood et al. (eds). Patterns and Processes of Land Use and Forest Change in the Amazon.
Nygren, A. (2000). Development Discourses and Peasant-Forest Relations: Natural Resource Utilization as Social Process. Development and Change 31: 11-34.
Leituras de Referência:
Porro, N. M. 2001. Right and Means to Manage Cooperatively and Equitably: Forest Management among Brazilian Transamazon Colonists. In: Colfer C.J.P and Byron, Y. (eds.) People Managing Forests: The Links between Human Well-Being and Sustainability. 300-321.
Viola. E.J. 1997. The Environmental Movement in Brazil: Institutionalization, Sustainable Development, and Crisis of Governance Since 1987 in G. MacDonald (Ed). Latin American Environmental Policy in International Perspective. Boulder: Westview Press.
Escobar, A. (2001). Culture sits in places: relfections on globalism and subaltern strategies of localization" Political Geography 20: 139-174.
Baviskar, A. (1996). Reverence Is Not Enough: Ecological Marxism and Indian Adivasis. Creating the Countryside: The Politics of Rural and Environmental Discourse. E. M. Dupius and P. Vandergeest. Philadelphia, Temple University Press: 204-224.
Aula 12 - Dilemas Após a Vitória: Governos Locais, Movimentos Sociais e Novas Alternativas EconômicasEhringhaus, Christiane. 2005. Post-Victory Dilemmas: Land Use, Development, and Social Moement in Amazonian Extractive Reserves. Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate Schol of Yale University in candidacy of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Kainer, Karen; Schmink, Marianne; Leite, Arthur C.P.; Fadell, Mário J.S. (2003). Experiments in Forest Based Development in Western Amazonia. Society and Natural Resources 16:869-886.
Hilgers, T. (2003). Latin American Political Parties, Social Movements, and Democratic Administration – the case of the Brazilian Workers’ Party. Critique: a worldwise student journal of politics.
Ackerman, John (2004). Co-Governance for Accountability: Beyond "Exit" and "Voice". World Development Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 447–463.
Edelman, Marc. 2001. Social Movements: changing paradigms and forms of politics. Annual Review of Anthropology 30:285–317
Keck, M. and K. Sikkink. (1998). Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaka, Cornell University Press. Chapter 1: 1-38.